Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat 
The Wolves of Midwinter - Inbunden
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The Wolves of Midwinter - Pocket
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The Wolves of Midwinter

Av Anne Rice

The Wolves of Midwinter
Anne Rice
Beställningsvara, 232 kr
Finns i lager, 113 kr

It is the beginning of December and it is cold and grey outside. In the stately flickering hearths of the grand mansion of Nideck Point, oak fires are burning. The Morphenkinder are busy getting ready for the ancient pagan feast of midwinter. Everyone is invited, including some of their own who do not wish them well...Reuben Golding, the newest of the Morphenkinder, is struggling with his new existence as a Man Wolf, struggling to learn to control his desires and bloodthirsty urges. His pure, luminous girlfriend Laura seems all set to join him in this new way of life, but Reuben is not at all certain he will love her if she becomes as he is. Beyond the mansion, the forest echoes with howling winds, which carry with them tales of a strange nether world, and of spirits - centuries old - who possess their own fantastical ancient histories and taunt with their dark, magical powers. As preparations for the feast gather pace, destiny continues to hound Reuben, not least in the form of a strange, tormented ghost who appears at the window, unable to speak. But he is not alone: before the festivities are over, choices must be made - choices which will decide the fate of the Morphenkinder for ever.


Förlag: Random House UK
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara

It is the beginning of December and it is cold and grey outside. In the stately flickering hearths of the grand mansion of Nideck Point, oak fires are burning. The Morphenkinder are busy getting ready for the ancient pagan feast of midwinter. Everyone is invited, including some of their own who do not wish them well...Reuben Golding, the newest of the Morphenkinder, is struggling with his new exi

Utgivningsdatum: 20131107

Förlag: Random House UK
Lagerstatus: Finns i lager
Utgivningsdatum: 20140617

Bok: 220680

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Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat
Kundtjänst, vardagar 9-16: 070-692 50 50
Redaktör: Sandra Sandström
Ansvarig utgivare: Linus Glansholm
Teknik: Framkant Media AB
Annonsera:  Framkant Media AB
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