![]() The Understudy - Pocket
120 kr
The Understudy
Av David Nicholls

Bok- presentation: |
The Understudy |
Författar- presentation: |
David Nicholls |
120 kr
For Josh Harper, being in show-business means everything he ever wanted - money, fame, a beautiful wife, and a lead role on the London stage. For Stephen C. McQueen, it means a disastrous career playing passers-by and dead people. Stephen is stuck with an unfortunate name, a hopeless agent, a daughter he barely knows, and a job as understudy to Josh Harper, the 12th Sexiest Man in the World. And when Stephen falls in love with Josh's clever, funny wife Nora, things get even more difficult. But might there yet be a way for Stephen to get his Big Break? THE UNDERSTUDY is a scintillating comedy of ambition, celebrity, jealousy and love.
Bok: 210789
Anmäl textfel
David Nicholls
Han blev känd i Sverige för den breda publiken med sin tredje roman "En dag" som blev en storsäljare. Boken ska ha sålt slut i Sverige på ett par veckor och kom i pocket sommaren 2011. David Nicholls debuterade 2003 med "Starter for ten". Boken gavs ut på svenska av Norstedts förlag 2006 med titeln "På vinst och förlust".