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A Game of Thrones: Graphic Novel, Volume One, George R. R. Martin
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Game of Thrones The Graphic Novel: Volume One
Av George R. R. Martin

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Game of Thrones The Graphic Novel: Volume One |
Författar- presentation: |
George R. R. Martin |
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Now acclaimed novelist Daniel Abraham and illustrator Tommy Patterson bring George R. R. Martin's epic fantasy masterwork 'A Game of Thrones' to majestic new life in the pages of this full-color graphic novel.
Comprised of the initial six issues of the graphic series, this is the first volume in what is sure to be one of the most coveted collaborations of the year.
Now acclaimed novelist Daniel Abraham and illustrator Tommy Patterson bring George R. R. Martin's epic fantasy masterwork 'A Game of Thrones' to majestic new life in the pages of this full-color graphic novel. Comprised of the initial six issues of the graphic series, this is the first volume in what is sure to be one of the most coveted collaborations of the year.
Bok: 213628
Anmäl textfel
George R. R. Martin
Han är författaren bakom fantasyserien "Sagan om is och eld" som ligger till grund för tv-serien "Game of Thrones". Han har skrivit böcker sedan 1979 men skriver även manus till filmer och tv-serier.