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Warriors Book 1
Av George R. R. Martin

Bok- presentation: |
Warriors Book 1 |
Författar- presentation: |
George R. R. Martin |
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From George R. R. Martin's Introduction to "Warriors: ""People have been telling stories about warriors for as long as they have been telling stories. Since Homer first sang the wrath of Achilles and the ancient Sumerians set down their tales of Gilgamesh, warriors, soldiers, and fighters have fascinated us; they are a part of every culture, every literary tradition, every genre. "All Quiet on the Western Front, From Here to Eternity, "and "The Red Badge of Courage "have become part of our literary canon, taught in classrooms all around the country and the world. Our contributors make up an all-star lineup of award-winning and bestselling writers, representing a dozen different publishers and as many genres. We asked each of them for the same thing--a story about a warrior.
Bok: 252403
Anmäl textfel
George R. R. Martin
Han är författaren bakom fantasyserien "Sagan om is och eld" som ligger till grund för tv-serien "Game of Thrones". Han har skrivit böcker sedan 1979 men skriver även manus till filmer och tv-serier.